Moon Cycles
I feel that the moon deserves its own page for many reasons…
First because of the impact it has had in my life, and secondly (and most importantly) because of the impact I think it can have in yours.
Early in my life I realized that every so often certain emotions appeared with a disproportionate level of intensity that was hard to ignore. I began to try to understand why this was happening. Admiring the monthly full moons, I began to put two and two together and soon enough my aha moment hit me, these emotions happened with a level of impeccable precision right before the full moon. Realizing that these emotions weren’t necessarily related to my menstrual cycles (something anyone would naturally attribute them to), because they appeared before the full moon.
Af first I was not quite sure about what “to do” with these emotions, especially with the negative ones. With time I intuitively deduced that each moon cycle brought forward what lied hidden within my heart and needed change. Whether it was sadness, frustration, anger, etc., it essentially brought forward an important emotion I needed to pay attention to. With time, I understood that the monthly full moon was an opportunity and an invitation to deal with important harmful emotions that I was either ignoring or was simply consciously unaware of.
Ok great, I shared with you the issue, but now what? The answer is: intentions! Why are moon intentions so important? In my opinion it is because it’s an opportunity to declare our commitment to changing those negative emotions. It’s a personal pledge, a vow to bring a positive transformation to these raw and important intense emotions which are blocking your personal growth. Of course being aware of those emotions is a huge step, but the work doesn’t end there, au contraire, it’s the start. The real work begins when we work on ourselves and transform the negative or the challenging into something positive or beneficial.
Each time an intense emotion arises within you, set an intention to transform the energy into exactly what you want. Many people chose to do moon rituals, I absolutely love rituals and have actually started this tradition. Setting intentions isn’t a complex process at all. As a first step, it suffices to become aware and set the intention in your mind and in your heart. The next step of course is to do the inner work and trust that it will pay off. Consider therapy, talk to your friends, find a mentor, do what works for you but don’t let these emotions go unnoticed. Emotions are energy and this energy needs to be released, worked on, etc. If we don’t do this, these emotions or this energy get stuck and they can create spiritual and even physical disease. As my cousin told me once (a Spanish proverb): “Water that doesn’t flow, it spoils. Emotions, like water, must flow.”
In sum, pay attention to strong emotions, set intentions, and do the work. Growth will manifest in ways you have never imagined.
“Water that doesn’t flow, it spoils. Emotions, like water, must flow.”